Previous assignments
Intemarco’s Peter Tomczak has worked with some 30 different clients from various international manufacturing corporations. Some examples of major roles and projects:

- Employed at Relays, Motors, Robotics, Group Marketing at HQ in Zürich
- Advisor on global marketing programs for Power, Robotics, Oil & Gas, Service, and more

- Group Business Plan
- Marketing development
- Communications support
- Sales training program
- Transformation Communications: Eldon to nVent Hoffman

- Group Strategy
- Branding program assistance
- Marketing development
- New website development
- Intranet build up
- Communications support

- Re-branding
- Acting Corporate Communications Director
- Three acquisitions (US and Australia)
- Assisted in greenfield set-up in China and Chinese branding issues

- Rebranding and project manager for all aspects, incl. products, web, TM-issues, over 160 named patents, Intranet
- Corporate Communications support

- Transition communication Texa Industries to nVent and nVent HOFFMAN
- PR program in Italy
- Overall communications support for Europe

- New name
- Rebranding
- Communications support

- Corporate Communications support
- Product launch program development

- Brand Management process development
- Acting Marketing Communications Manager
Our assignments typically encompass further development of marketing and sales organizations. Plus, project management of larger branding and communications programs, often in conjunction with changes or acquisitions. Intemarco’s Peter Tomczak has worked on assignments from:
ABB Group, ABB Cables, ABB Control, ABB Distribution, ABB Financial Services, ABB Kraft, ABB Motors, ABB Network Partner, ABB Oil & Gas, ABB Relays, ABB Robotics, ABB Service, Alimak Hek, Eldon, Ericsson, Grässlin, Gunnebo Industries, Harju Elekter, Inducore, Kanthal, KMT, LucchiniRS, nVent HOFFMAN, PLS Truck Bodies, Scanacon, Seco Tools, SKF, Sunds Defibrator, and Quintus Technologies.